Madden 18 News: How To Obtain In Game MUT Coins

fifa16-coins Date: Sep/22/17 11:36:41 Views: 2348

Madden NFL 18 is a video game based on the National Football League and released on 25 Aug 2017. The game is developed by EA Sports for PS4 and Xbox One.



Ultimate Team, the addicting card collecting sim, still tasks you with assembling and developing your own fantasy team through a series of both solo and competitive challenges. The mode's biggest change tweaks how overall player rankings are counted, and gives them greater significance.


Fans looking for a competitive team experience will enjoy MUT Squads, which brings online teamplay to Madden NFL 18 via Madden Ultimate Team. Players can combine rosters to create the best lineups of current NFL stars and legends, choose their role and team with up to two other players to conquer the gridiron. In addition, new gameplay mechanics bring a richer on-field experience with more accessibility and added control, making it fun to play any position.


If you want to build best team, enough MUT coins is necessary. Solo challenges yield a good amount of coins. Devote enough time and effort as there are a lot of solo challenges. You will definitely gain a lot of coins here. You can also get a list of daily tasks in the objective screen in Ultimate Team. 'Win A Game' or 'Complete A Set' most commonly appear everyday. These two objectives yield a high number of coins as well. The daily tasks reset each day at 5 AM ET and gives a pack containing a quicksell item worth up to 50,000 coins.


Trading in game can also brings coins. You can try to auction off characters. You can sell some of your Silvers, Golds or even Elites you do not use to get a good amount of MUT coins. Using Auction House is a good way to make mut coins, too. Additionally, you can try a reliable online store like Madden-Store where offers cheap mut coins for sale at any time.