Madden 18 Introduces Some Game-Changing New Features In Longshot

fifa16-coins Date: Oct/28/17 15:52:36 Views: 2391

Madden 18 introduces some game-changing new features in Longshot and MUT Squads and they really usher in a new era for the franchise. Gameplay and longstanding modes like Franchise and Madden Ultimate Team remain relatively the same. In the Madden 18 Longshot story mode, you're challenged with getting hopeful quarterback Devin Wade. 



Madden 18's Longshot mode is broken up into three chapters, the first of which is effectively the Regional Combine, the second of which is largely covering the titular Longshot TV show, and the third of which is the redemption arc for both Devin and Colt. This mode is much more than just some cutscenes shoved between regular games. 


Arguably, it's similar to the story mode in NBA 2K14 in that there are adventure game-like choices to make, but it's far more in-depth than some dialogue choices between full games, and thus is much better. Madden 18 is a video game, the move to the Frostbite engine gives Madden 18 a gorgeous new look and brings that movie-feel to Longshot. For full details and more videos, trailers, screenshots, click here


Franchise mode is what you'd expect. It's great to create a party with friends and enter into games with other teams and gives Madden 18 a very esports feel. When Madden 18's Longshot story first begins, you're introduced to the young versions of Devin and Cole. Now, you are invited to visit U4GM:, rich news and guides, cheap coins are what the most needed for you, what are you waiting for now?